Spendesk Customer Crunch March 2022

Spendesk Team

Published on March 21, 2022


In this Customer Crunch:

  • 🆕 Gain more visibility with Sub-budgets

  • ⏰  Create your budgets faster

  • 🆕 Create new suppliers with one click

  • 🎩 Customer of the month: Moneybox

  • ⭐ Find out what Spendesk customers voted as the capability of the month

Gain more visibility with Sub-budgets!

Spendesk Budgets has been enriched with new sub-budgets to let you easily provide more visibility to budget owners. Empower every budget owner to make more informed and faster decisions thanks to more granular Budgets.

Create your Budgets in Spendesk faster

Create or update your budgets in seconds by importing a pre-filled custom template. Once your cost centers and expense categories are set up, you can now directly download your custom budgets template with pre-filled information. Just enter the amounts and import it into Spendesk.

Create and manage suppliers in one click

Create new suppliers in one click, simply by copy-pasting invoice information (country, IBAN & BIC) or just reviewing the data collected by the OCR. You can still add additional information (like address or VAT) by clicking on the button that opens the classic “supplier creation” form.

In the future, we want to warn you if a supplier IBAN has changed. To allow that, we display the supplier IBAN on top of the invoice. So you can check the supplier IBAN at a glance, without opening the supplier form.

Customer of the month: Moneybox

Moneybox was launched in 2016 with a mission to help people save and invest for their future with a few simple tools. Today, more than 750,000 people are using their award-winning app. After recently completing their Series C, Moneybox found themselves rapidly growing, and turned to Spendesk to scale their finance processes.

- Cerrith Moore, Head of Finance, Moneybox

🥉 You voted: subscription management is the capability of the month 🥉

We recently ran a survey to find out what capabilities you find most critical and valuable. You may have seen it - you may have even answered it! Today, we’re revealing the 3rd most critical capability for your employees:

Subscription management using recurring virtual cards!

What can you use it for? A typical Spendesk customer spends a fifth of their subscription on advertising, and about half on IT tools.

Subscription management simplifies the purchasing process for all online spend (especially software and advertising). Spendesk creates new card details for every subscription payment, so you can track, pause, or cancel them easily. You can even adjust limits and change cardholders without canceling subscriptions.

- Aaron Townsend, Head of Finance, Habito

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